In the meantime...
MAY 18, 2021
Kings River Conservancy Spring Fling Photo Contest
A short while back, on Valley Public Radio, I heard an announcement for the Spring Fling Photo Contest from Kings River Conservancy. Not being a nature photographer by trade, nor having given myself an assignment in a while, I immediately knew I wanted to go for it. I asked my partner's teenage daughter Isa if she'd like to join me. We spent three hours at Choinumni Park, barely even seeing each other, as we both found one incredible scene after the next; we just kept clicking! We had an excellent time enjoying nature and wouldn't you know it, Isa ended up winning first and third in her age category. I too won my category! Below are some of my favourites from that day, including the submissions for the contest. I hope KRC can use our contest images to help further their great work for the community and the planet. Click on HERE to learn more about Kings River Conservancy.

MAY 20, 2021
A Smattering
As I take this time to re-imagine, I look to who I was, who I am and who I see myself being as an artist. I've been flipping through my 20+ years of client portfolios and personal work. Scroll through some of my favourites below.